Thursday, July 03, 2008

Distant Drummer

Dedicated: Those who hear the music..........

I hear a distant drummer in the beat of a somber tune
Which came in the lyrics of life, since birth it's played a song

Across a wooden bridge, came a gift given to me
Arriving when I least expected, from one so high above

It shares a spot so deep inside the rapture of my being
As if it's been a part of me, only now I begin to feel

For I've tasted the sweet desires existing within my dreams
Which resides within a vibrant rainbow, along the waters edge

As I age towards the unknown, there's so much I want to impart
In the imagery which reverts to me, in my remaining days

So I'll share what comes my way, to those who hear the music
Hoping my words brings peace of mind, in the message I wish to convey

To those who are blessed in hearing
The melody vibrating within one's heart

I pray that you will feel the joy
Which has grown deeply between my soul

I'll continue to relay my thoughts to you
Pleading you will do the same

In our travels to find a wooden bridge
And the sounds of a distant drummer

Seeking the one who gave to us, the glory of his love
Along with the gift we share, which brings the saving grace

We'll march to the cadence of a happy tune
Inside his royal palace, forever and evermore

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
June 21, 2008

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