Thursday, September 30, 2010

Second Time Around

Does one sleep within a dwelling
That's locked with a sacred key
Can a soul lie open and ever so willing?
To share sweet memories

Can one hear the call of transgressions?
Which echoes inside sad sorrows?
Or do we ignore the tell tale lessons
The warnings which quell silent morals

I've tasted the chill of all we lost
Arriving at night in howling winds that bay
The different ways I made you cross
Accounts for the errors from my ways

I hear the call of loneliness
From dreams shared from this bed
I'll prepare a better closeness
To this man I came to wed

Upon the swells so well tossed
I'll rid myself of this veil
Regretting the passion I somehow lost
Now found again on this ship we sail

From a man who's been ever so sound
I hope to discover that very thought
Is love better the second time around
By renewing a vow I'll never doubt

Tenderness resides in remaining years
Tightly held our hands will enlace
The passing of time amid flowing tears
Signals togetherness as our hearts embrace

Written by Roland R. Ruiz
August 23, 2010

Thursday, September 02, 2010

A Spider's Behind

Roland kisses a spider’s behind
To the Beacons Gals he owes this line
Due to the words he leaves as rhymes
Now this photo will be the sign

He’s a true Texan not mad but kind
Doreen and Norma he treats unjust
Sometimes he puts himself in a bind
But others think he is a plus

To the Na Sayers who I’ve let astray
I ask forgiveness for my terrible ways
It’s just the style of the way I play
I mean no harm in all I say

Even to my wife I act this way
Craziness seems to be a part of me
At times I do make her day
Even when I run to the loo to pee

It seems I put my foot in my mouth
Every time I open my trap
Many will think I’m a louse
But in the end I’m caught like a rat

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
August 23, 2010

Webs of Time

What lurks inside a breathless thought?
Which conjures regrets so keenly sought?
Of love we’ve shaped but somehow lost
Leaving pains of remorse at a priceless cost

It seems I’ve kept a life condensed
Filled with mistrust and much offense
Enough to drive us far apart
Creating a hate within our hearts

Sparked by a painful lustful past
Much like the members of a cast
I’ve come to realize just how far
We’ve sunk into this dismal mire

Now destiny has come to right the wrong
Committed together we’ll create a new song
Of love once known but lost in the dew
Cleared by the winds from the mist that blew

For in the meandering webs of time
United in love we shall find
What is hoped to be divine
From this song we will shine

A tune to a much brighter day
Richness abounds in words we’ll say
Renewed by passion we begin anew
Into a domain with skies so blue

Where reality is filtered no blemishes roam
With endearing love readily installed
All spirits united acting enthroned
We walk to the cadence where love is enthralled

Written by Roland R. Ruiz
August 9, 2010