Saturday, February 09, 2008

Mandate to Destiny

Dedicated: To the American Voter

There is a place called destiny
Existing in the realm of our dreams

It holds the promise of better times
With the changing of the leaves

As we close upon an election year
On the eve of a new dawn

We as Americans will need to choose
In the leaders who'll guide our strides

It's call the right to vote
Which came with a heavy price?

For freedom is never easy to ingest
Well mastered by the tears of war

Along with the blood shed by the brave
And those who served with pride

Gave us the freedom of choice
A mandate we cannot deny

The eyes of the world look upon us
To untie the ropes of oppression

Within the context of our fate
We will do whatever we can

To bestow a privilege for the many who suffer
In a world which longs to be free

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
February 2, 2008

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