In the bleakness of the cold
Between the sorrows of my fears
Reside sad memories which I hold
Amid the solace of being alone
Inflamed by long hidden thoughts
Buried deep within my bones
Is the hurt engraved by so many faults?
I seek a solution to this query
To sanctify what I've refused to believe
Turning my sadness to something merry
A kindred spirit to take the lead
It is possible there's a higher power?
Beyond the stars in the swiftness of the fires
A God we call by name who gives us cover
From the harm caused by our reckless desires
In the unsanctified wonders of this world
I seek the intangible to explain the unreasonable
From the madness found from this elusive swirl
Creating a saving grace making us impregnable
By our transgressions he commits us to his fold
So I'll submit to all which I'm unable to see
To soothe my inner being to calm my outer soul
In hope I'm forgiving so my heart will be set free
I know not of the day or night
When I'll reach the divining end
Will ride the dark towards the light
Seeking the kindred spirit to cleanse me of my sins?
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
December 11, 2008
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