Thursday, September 02, 2010

A Spider's Behind

Roland kisses a spider’s behind
To the Beacons Gals he owes this line
Due to the words he leaves as rhymes
Now this photo will be the sign

He’s a true Texan not mad but kind
Doreen and Norma he treats unjust
Sometimes he puts himself in a bind
But others think he is a plus

To the Na Sayers who I’ve let astray
I ask forgiveness for my terrible ways
It’s just the style of the way I play
I mean no harm in all I say

Even to my wife I act this way
Craziness seems to be a part of me
At times I do make her day
Even when I run to the loo to pee

It seems I put my foot in my mouth
Every time I open my trap
Many will think I’m a louse
But in the end I’m caught like a rat

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
August 23, 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! I remember why you wrote this one Roland. I also remember the photo too...shhhh..I won't tell.