To show you how to pray
You're four years old
My, the days have flown
Gosh, you've really grown
It's best to get you started
So listen very closely
To all I have to say
Look towards the open window
Above the sky between the stars
Lies the home our Father built
Where all our prayers are sent
There's a house all ready and waiting
For each of us when it's time for us to leave
But for know my dear don't worry
Just learn to speak to God
Let the words flow from your heart
For he knows you very well
Tell him how much you love him
For the life he's given you
Ask him to protect you always
When you sleep into the night
Ask for his forgiveness
When you forget to call his name
But most of all remember
He's always their for you
So in the closing of your prayer
Ask God to bless us all
Especially Mommy and Daddy
Who keeps you warm with love
For our thoughts for you will never leave
As you walk into your life
If you do this every night
In your prayers to God above
His love for you will only grow
Each moment of the day
So now you've learned just how to pray
It's your heart he listens too
Until he calls you home
To the house he's built for you
Remember what I taught you
It's meant for you alone
Until God gives you a child
You'll teach to pray with love
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
October 27, 2008
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