Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Starlit Sky

Dedicated To: Tommy Riddle

As I gaze towards the starlit sky
In the autumn of my years

I view the many painted stars
Like the patterns in my life

Some twinkle brightly others dimly
As the moon begins its rise

So I'll contemplate and meditate
What passes between the sighs?

And try to calm the fears I have
Of what lies on the other side

I've done so many wrongful deeds
And never battered an eye

But now as I approach a road
Which leads to a final end?

I recall all the harm I've done
To the very ones I love

So I'll try to mend the hurt
And ease the pain I've caused

If only I could be forgiven
Is it too late for me?

I ask dear God, in the prayers
Which resides within my heart?

To give me strength, to face my fate
And accept what comes to me

For those I've wronged along the way
I'll plead, they'll grant me mercy

I'll ask for their forgiveness
But most of all, I'll ask for grace

To caress my very soul
For when the stars glow with brightness

And I'll know, I've reached my end
Peace will descend upon my being

As you reach to touch my face

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
March 18, 2007

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