Dedicated To: Lost souls, wondering towards Eternity....
On this boulevard of life, where many souls have lost their way
We all must travel along a path, which leads to a place called death
The venture begins with our birth, and only God knows when it will end
Avenues of despair are placed, with detours leading to streets filled with sin
If we're strong enough to avoid these traps, and stay the steady course
Goodness will surely follow, to all those who truly believe
For life will reside in them, and death will be a hollow thought
Along with the many evils, made in our trek towards our Father's home
For God so loved the world, he gave his only son to bear our every transgression
So we can be forgiven, for all which we have done
His flock with free will given, must make a final choice, to live forever
In the valley of death or march in glory, into the Den of Life
Where the Son reigns in his Father's House, and our journey has reached its end
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
What a wise and deep poem, telling facts and answering questions, so very well composed for everybody to understand the message. A theme I still feel difficult with, which still I push it "aside" for later -- well, later = when will the time be right to face it?
I feel good with your statements and will gladly believe, that all the lost souls will find home to eternal light, some quite straight, others on a meandering tour -- then, God guides them all, so we must open our hearts to recognize His Guideposts....
Yes Ursula, our boulevard to eternity follows a line that not always goes straight. It is up to us to find the straight line to the Light, which will guide us to eternity, may we all see that light when the time comes. An let us pray to stay on course, and avoid the streets of sin.......Roland.
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