Every so often, one meets friends on this electrical medium we call the Internet, and if we're very fortunate, the friendship will last, even when half a world separated the parties involved. I've been fortunate to meet someone who has taken a shine to both me and my loving wife, and I'm very thankful for the new friends, I've gotten know in this short period. I would like to thank Rose DesRochers and her fine staff at Todays-Woman, for allowing a group of writers to share their thoughts and dreams on this wonderful web site. and to you Ursula and your dear husband Hermann, my wife and I send our love, may the rainbow of friendship that exists between our home and yours, be just a heartbeat away.....
Dedicated To: Ursula and Hermann Steinhauser
It's always nice to meet someone, who shares your thoughts and joy
So often in life, people mingle say hello, and go their merry way
But every so often if you're lucky enough, special friends will come along
To bless your life with happiness, even when you've just met them, over the electric waves
It's like you've known them for many years, old friends who'll share their lives with you
From a land so beautiful and far away, where God rested on the seventh day
My wife and I fell so blessed to know these special friends
Who bring so much joy to us, in our modest home
We know they live so far away, we may never really meet
But God moves in mysterious ways, and one will never know
But this I tell you, my far away friends our lives will never be the same again
Since we met you over the Internet, your thoughts are just a heartbeat away
On this beautiful Easter morning, we send our love to you
From a place so far away, in the good old USA
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
1 comment:
A big thank you for the honour of this wonderful dedication!
We are very happy to be called your friends and you certainly are our Friends indeed!
Ursula + Hermann
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