Dedicated To: Veronica Magallanes
Have you ever wondered, how life would be, if you could alter the past
How many of us, would go back in time, to turn our lives around
I've had dreams of doing that, when I feel so down and out
When life is going bad and all not right with me
The whispers of what I did, still haunt my inner thoughts
Four years have passed, since the grizzly deed, that put me here to stay
In this place, that's become a hell, wishing I could be anywhere else
I killed a man, that deserved to die, but the jury did not agree
So when I stood before the judge, and stared into his hazel eyes
I knew the moment he looked at me, death was in the air
And when he said those dreaded words, may God have mercy on your soul
It began to sink deep within, that my number would soon be up
Now I sit in my lonely cell, with a bible to comfort me
My Mother, Father, and brother, paid a visit just yesterday
But my sister refused to come, for it was her husband, I shot to death
Four years ago, last month, and I'm not sorry for what I did
For he gave her such a beating, the scars remain today
Now I wait, until the hour, that the state has set for me
To pay a price, with my life, so justice can be satisfied
I sit and wait for my death, with a bible to comfort me
Wishing I could go back in time, and start all over again
I wonder when the needle is inserted, in my shallow vein
Will I feel the cold set in, as the juice starts to flow
Will death be quick and easy, as my heart begins to fade
Will I shed tears, for the folks, that came to see me die
Or will my heart be cold as steel, when I look them in the eye
I need to make my choice now, for the warden will soon be here
He'll bring a priest, that for sure, another choice, I'll have to make
Will I ask God to take my soul, and forgive my many sins
How I wish I could go back in time, and forget the pain I'm in
I need to make my mind up quick, for the warden footsteps are closing in
And I know, he's not alone, I place the bible between my hands
As the cell door opens wide, the warden and the priest walk in
With a letter from the state, that reads, I'm to die promptly at 6PM
Without further delay, may God have mercy on your soul, I heard the warden say
He asked if I had anything to say, as I stood up to face my fate
I looked the priest in the eye, as tears began to well
I asked him, will God forgive all my sins, I've made along the way
He said my son, God will cleanse your soul today, if you truly believe in him
So go in peace, have no fear, he's waiting on the other side
He'll wash your sins clean as snow, I heard him clearly say
As we walked thru the cold steel bars, that have imprisoned me
I looked on with a different view, when we entered the lighted room
I could see people behind the glass, that came to see me die
As they laid me down on the hardened bed, my legs the first to strap
I turned toward the priest, with the warden next to his side
And handed him the bible, with a look of serenity on my aged face
For I knew right then, what he had said, just a little while ago
That God was waiting on the other side, and would clean my soul of sin
So I settled back to enjoy the ride, with a smile on my haggard face
Knowing their's a better life, awaiting me, just around the bend
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