Saturday, September 24, 2005

Beneath The Painted Shinning Sky

Dedicated To: Reynaldo Ruben Gonzalez

Beneath the painted cloudy sky, burnt by sun ray's shining high
Lies a wicked, killer storm, comes by day or night, no matter

Evil in its sinister's waves, gives no quarter either way
This wicked, wicked, killer storm has brought the gulf to bay

Insidious in its crooked ways, cares not, if souls are lost today
It brought a city to its knees, in death and carnage it knows the way

To this we owe to precious few, who dared to stare its evil eye
And brought the wrath to bay

Now the time to pray has come, to fill the shining painted sky
With love, and hope, we ask dear God to heal our loss
And take our pain away

Written by Roland R. Ruiz
September' 2005

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