I’ve packed my case, with my Teddy I’m ready to fade away
Into the English countryside
We’ll seek a place to hide
We’ll find a spot set the rules, and break them if we choose
After all what else is there to loose?
We’re brave me and my Teddy no one to tell us what to do
If only Mum and Dad would know the outdoors is my loo
But now the day has grown so short, the light begins to dim
We’re in the middle of a forest we need to find a limb
Big enough to hold us both above the ground that’s cold
I’m beginning to think we made a mistake in acting ever bold
I hear the sounds of the forest they seem to be all around
What chance has we to stand our ground if lucky we’ll be found
Who would think the woodlands would get so dark and scary
How I wish we were in our room under the covers well buried
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
June 19, 2010