Saturday, February 06, 2010

Edge of Never

I've yet to reach the edge of never
In my trek thru life's endeavor
I've yet to find all I seek
From a world in no way is meek

Alas I shall not give up
I'll strive to find this loving cup
Which holds the grace we surely need?
To face the strife within our deeds

It's this goodness we wish to find
To make us kind, which fills our minds?
Floating amidst this eternal bliss
Will steady our ship so not to list

We've learned we are the givers
In our search to find the keepers
Imparting thoughts we hope will soothe
Th lonely and lost along this cruise

I'll continue to seek my final port
Praying my thoughts will not be curt
Beyond this abyss lies the bay
Where tranquil waves, have their say

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
January 03, 2010

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Embroiled within a soothing balm
Into an ocean that once was calm
I seek a long lasting remedy
In my sail towards destiny

Unsure of what the waves will bring
I search for cresting swells which sing
The spiritual songs of serenity
From these lyrics replenish my sanity

Washing over the wooden planks
In it's drift to unknown rocky banks
It is this peace from within the sea
Which releases the pains inside of me?

The storms of life has driven this ship
Across the tides which seem to leap
Beyond a course of no remorse
Holding steady I explore a new source

Within the realms of this foreign port
My ship lays anchor it's time to sort
Between the narrows lays my choice
For in this trek I've found rejoice

Written by; Roland R. Ruiz
January 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Sacred Key

Between the shadows of our tomorrow
Lay clouds of peace we long to see
This war has tested the metal within the sadness of our sorrows
Having no end in sight, the door is locked we have no key

Still we search for what eludes us for these many years
Now our track has been modified towards another land
Where solemn regrets are shed along with many tears
Marching to an endless madness, in efforts to stop this band

Who comes to steal our youth away, along with the ones who guide
The horrors we have seen before, from the ghost of another war
Stealing the very best from the Mothers who do provide
The sons and daughters we hold so dear, from those we do deplore

Now we approach the eve of a New Year, what is to come our way?
Will our troops find the bearded one, the leader of this hate?
Or will the tortures of war, come again upon our watery bay
I pray to God no harm shall come, I pray for another fate

Hoping peace will come this year, in bringing our soldiers home
So we can live like once we did, but that can never be
For we're in a holy war, its tentacles stretch and roam
We can only pray our God, holds the sacred key

Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
December 11, 2009