I am a weaver of sad dreams that are stitched inside my soul
Bringing memories of forgotten pains so starkly yet so bold
Wondering if my written phrases will strike a chord or too
I write to calm the strife in a world we call a zoo
To those who seek contentment in a sea of just repose
I hope to bring containment in the stanzas I compose
Remember the peace we seek, lies inside the written words
For they come within a heart, which beats with an urgent surge
To release the pressure of the day, a price we all must pay
For our Earth is in much trouble totally in dismay
If only words could solve the problems of a globe in disarray
What harmony would we impart to those who have a say
For it's the thoughts from dreamers which are held at bay
You'll find creative answers to the questions existing today
So in the nights that's left to me, I'll continue to weave my dreams
Hoping God will hear the pleas between the tangled seams
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
January 13, 2010