Into the darkness of the cold north sky
Riding upon the northern winds which cry
Here comes Santa in his sleigh with gifts for one and all
With Rudolph in the lead high above the flying gulls
He steers this vessel of happiness with tender loving care
After all it's a job he does but once a year
Well rested he leads the other reindeer
To children filled with anticipation and cheer
For St. Nick is the patriot saint for those young at heart
He comes to soothe the pains and fears
Which at times drives us so far apart
He's the consciousness which shows we care
Now this is Christmas, a time to reflect
Upon a new dawn we soon to caress
We look for forgiveness for us to ingest
A place of redemption no thought to regress
It's the children of this world that holds the key of peace
For Santa brings more than gifts in the joy of his call
To each of you who share this site with me
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, may God be with you all
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
Dec. 23, 2009
Dedicated: to a river warrior called, Delta blue
Beyond this path called Delta Blue
Lies the memories known but to few
Lined with fears to greet the dew
We search the river's dirty hue
For signs of terror from the ones
Without remorse we seek to kill
Vengeance echoes from fallen sons
Lost in battles between the hills
Within this place a living hell
We seek the prey, the orders say
With fear we march into a jungle's cell
With hate spitting upon our hearts we'll pray
To see another dawn
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
Dec. 03, 2009
Fair winds and following seas
Guides a forlorn sailor home
From surging waves ride lasting deeds
Atop the swells which foam
Far and wide we track the world
On oceans cold and wild
A ship which shimmers like a pearl
We pray we'll not defile
In our sail on endless wakes
We search to seek our fine
A place of peace for our sake
Which takes us beyond time?
We hear the calmness between the bells
That rings so loud and clear
Releasing us from this magical spell
From the winds their comes a cheer
Approaching the narrows of St. John's Bay
We survived the price of another voyage
To rest, we pray, towards heaven we say
Thank you Lord, for giving us courage
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
November 27, 2009
Author's Note: During the years 1952-1953 my late
Father was stationed at Pepperrell AFB,
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
I've never forgotten the Narrows of St. John's Bay
Inside the window of time
Within the words we know as rhyme
Lies a love so well defined
It comes in dreams like mystical chimes
To make us dance sometimes pine
Of what was forbidden in what we sought
It's not often one will shine
In the sculptured words we thought were lost
Writing to convey secrets within our hearts
To others who share these thoughts
At times we hit a nerve with what we impart
Impressions can be like grains of salt
Sometimes taken most often mislaid
But we as poets prod on it's our nature
Not worrying if our stanzas will fade
In a poetic sense our words becomes the feature
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
November 12, 2009