Could it be the very structure of this world?
Be the cause of all the treasured dreams I've seen
Into the sultry sea we sail, enticed by the winds which swirl
Navigating into the abyss standing fast on this brigantine
Watching the distant releasing a welcome sunrise
Dispersing the darkness bringing the light the embodiment of such glee
Much joy the salty spray does make, across the painted skies
Riding memories emerged in currents, we trek towards the lee
Voyaging to a goal I hope to make, a safe harbor for our souls
Remembering my fellow shipmates the one I lost at sea
There faces linger tears still fall, from the shadows unmerciful cold
Thank the Lord there's just a few, these men of honoree
With the knowledge as Captain I was never overwhelmed
In guiding ship and crew from this vast domain safely back to poet
Tough decisions are often made by the one who mans the helm
As the harbor breaks this magical spell, to God and crewmates, I'll pay court
Sailing into St. John's Bay brings comfort to our souls
For we bested the majestic sea avoiding the dangerous shoals
Completing another voyage arriving with ship and crew intact
Resting we'll renew ourselves, in wait of a new course to track
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
September 05, 2009