Riding upon the northern winds which cry
Here comes Santa in his sleigh with gifts for one and all
With Rudolph in the lead high above the flying gulls
He steers this vessel of happiness with tender loving care
After all it's a job he does but once a year
Well rested he leads the other reindeer
To children filled with anticipation and cheer
For St. Nick is the patriot saint for those young at heart
He comes to soothe the pains and fears
Which at times drives us so far apart
He's the consciousness which shows we care
Now this is Christmas, a time to reflect
Upon a new dawn we soon to caress
We look for forgiveness for us to ingest
A place of redemption no thought to regress
It's the children of this world that holds the key of peace
For Santa brings more than gifts in the joy of his call
To each of you who share this site with me
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, may God be with you all
Written by: Roland R. Ruiz
Dec. 23, 2009