Like the silence in a endless night
In the windmills of my mind
Lies fate, which acts as a stepping stone
Back to another place and time
In search of hope, to ease the pain
And heal my tormented soul
Six months have passed, since I tasted
The contents of the bottle in front of me
I keep it on the night stand
To remind me of my yesteryears
Of what was lost, and the hurt I've caused
Along the road of a shattered life
Which unfortunately belongs to me
I blame the demon in the bottle
That sits in front of me
I try to convince myself of this
But in reality, the blame belongs to me
I have a wife, who loves me so
Along with a son and daughter
They think the world of me
Why I threw all this away
I'll never really know
I know that now, just wish I knew
One year ago, this month
That's when I woke from a drunk
To find my wife and kids had left
With only the demon to comfort me
We toasted the night away
For six long months it went that way
I worked all day, came home at night
To drink my pain away
Then one morning a phone call came
From my wife, between the tears, she says to me
Little Danny is very sick, he's in a coma
The doctors say, he may not last the night
As I drove into the mist, to seek the son I love
I reached out with a prayer, to God above
I know I've been a sinner, have hurt the ones I love
If you would please help my son, and bring him back to us
In return, I'll make this promise, to never drink again
When I reached the hospital, early in the morn
My wife and daughter, where standing down the hall
When they saw me, our eyes began to weep
We hugged and kissed, between the tears
They let me know the score
Danny is in the operating room
Its been two hours, no news yet
But the operation is his only hope
So, the doctors say
Within the hour, the doctors came out
To let us know, our son pulled thru all right
It was touch and go, for awhile
but he's young and strong, has a will to live
So be at ease, the doctor said
He's in the recovery room
It wont be long, you'll see him soon
I shook their hands, to thank them
As they turned towards the door
In that moment of turmoil, caused my life to change
Since that day, the bottle, has been left unopened
The demon remains inside, on the night stand next to me
One thought, I need to remember, since I've turned my life around
I am an alcoholic, that I'll always be
With help from wife and family, and God, from high above
I'll be a husband and Father, for they deserve no less from me